
Headshot of Hadiseh Alaeian

Hadiseh Alaeian

Assistant Professor of ECE and Physics and Astronomy

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Nonlinear quantum optics and excitonic quantum materials.

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Headshot of Ashraf Alam

Ashraf Alam

Jai N. Gupta Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication & Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

He works on experiments and simulations of reliability aspects in novel logic and memory devices. He also investigates radiation damage of devices and circuits.

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Headshot of Joerg Appenzeller

Joerg Appenzeller

Barry M. and Patricia L. Epstein Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication & Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Experimentalist working on low-dimensional transport for logic and memory applications. He designs, fabricates, characterizes and analyzes novel devices and circuits from transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs).

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Headshot of Santokh Badesha

Santokh Badesha

Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Design and Development of Multifunctional Nanocomposites for Electrical and Thermal Conductive Devices. The current research focus include design and development of polymeric composites for comformance, surface energetics, conduction, and robustness. Electrical and thermal properties are tailored by adding particulate materials with tailored size and shape. An additional focus of the work include design and development of alternates to PFAS especially Teflon and FKMs to address environment related issues.

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Headshot of Shubhra Bansal

Shubhra Bansal

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Bansal research group works on dimensionally modified halide perovskite and chalcogenide compound semiconductors. The goal is to develop novel functional materials, advanced device packaging, interconnection technologies and physics-based degradation models for lifetime prediction.

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Headshot of Thomas Beechem

Thomas Beechem

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Experimentalist that characterizes various materials and devices employing time resolved, low-temperature photoluminescence, Raman spectroscopy, and near IR ellipsometry.

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Headshot of Peter Bermel

Peter Bermel

Elmore Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Sensors and Thermal Imaging & Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Headshot of Sunil Bhave

Sunil Bhave

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

MEMS and Photonics

Experimentalist exploring inter-domain coupling in Opto-mechanical, Spin-Acoustic and Atom-MEMS devices to design and fabricate inertial sensors, clocks, frequency combs and computing and microwave sub-systems.

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Headshot of Stephan Biller

Stephan Biller

Harold T. Amrine Professor Industrial

Digital Manufacturing, Manufacturing System Design and Optimization & Resilient Supply Chains and Risk Analysis

Smart manufacturing, operations, and supply chain

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Headshot of John Blendell

John Blendell

Professor of Materials Engineering

Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging

Modeling and measurement of microstructure development using advanced characterization techniques to predict reliability.

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Headshot of Alexandra (Sasha) Boltasseva

Alexandra (Sasha) Boltasseva

Ron and Dotty Garvin Tonjes Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Experimentalist working on optical meta-materials and quantum materials.

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Headshot of Michael Capano

Michael Capano

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Headshot of Srinivasan Chandrasekar

Srinivasan Chandrasekar

Professor of Industrial and Materials Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication & Sustainability and Life Cycle Analysis

Thin Films, Surface Metrology, Processes & Environmentally Assisted Failures

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Headshot of Nikhilesh Chawla

Nikhilesh Chawla

Ransburg Professor of Materials Engineering

Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging & Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Four-Dimensional (4D) materials science with a particular emphasis on the deformation behavior of advanced materials at bulk and small length scales characteristic of advanced packaging.

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Headshot of Yong Chen

Yong Chen

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Headshot of Zhihong Chen

Zhihong Chen

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mary Jo and Robert L. Kirk Director of Birck Nanotechnology Center

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Experimentalist working on novel materials for logic and interconnect applications. She is also an expert in developing concepts for back-end-of-line (BEOL) heterogeneously, monolithically integrated memory applications.

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Headshot of Gary Cheng

Gary Cheng

Professor Of Industrial Engineering

Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging & New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Inventor striving to revolutionize the electronics packaging and semiconductor device fabrication industries, offering unprecedented levels of precision, efficiency, and versatility.

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Headshot of Weng Chew

Weng Chew

Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

High-Frequency Electronics

Headshot of Supriyo Datta

Supriyo Datta

Thomas Duncan Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Known for pioneering the non-equilibrium Green function (NEGF) model widely used in semiconductor industry to model nanoscale electronic devices. Also known for creative proposals that inspired new fields of research like negative capacitance devices, spintronics and probabilistic bits.

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Headshot of Chelsea Davis

Chelsea Davis

Assistant Professor of Materials Engineering

Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging

Molecular visualization of interfacial mechanics, including adhesion, friction, and wetting novel measurements of polymer interfacial properties and mechanics.

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Headshot of Daniel Delaurentis

Daniel Delaurentis

Vice President For Research and Partnerships, Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Headshot of Kerrie Douglas

Kerrie Douglas

Deputy Director

Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Oversee evaluation and metrics, SCALE student programming, co-lead education efforts (K through professional education, including community college); oversee educational research.

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Headshot of Ana María Estrada Gómez

Ana María Estrada Gómez

Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering

Simulation and Modeling & Digital Manufacturing & Manufacturing System Design and Optimization & Resilient Supply Chains and Risk Analysis

Methods & Efficient Algorithms for Data-driven Decision Making in Complex Systems Using Statistical Machine Learning

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Headshot of Edwin Garcia

Edwin Garcia

Professor of Materials Engineering

Simulation and Modeling

Microstructural modeling of multifunctional materials, including solder-based interconnects microstructural evolution and phase transformations in confined geometries reliability and optimization of FeRAMs, portable power sources.

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Headshot of Allen Garner

Allen Garner

Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering

Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Radiation-hardened Microelectronics Research Faculty Mentor.

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Headshot of James Gibert

James Gibert

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging

Shock and vibration characterization of electronics packaging; Optimization of mechanical systems; Additive manufacturing; Smart material systems.

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Headshot of Luis Gomez

Luis Gomez

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

High-Frequency Electronics

Headshot of Ronald Goossens

Ronald Goossens

Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication & Simulation and Modeling

Headshot of Jeffery Gray

Jeffery Gray

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Headshot of Sumeet Gupta

Sumeet Gupta

Elmore Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Integrated Circuits and Systems Design

Theorist exploring device-circuit co-design in emerging nanotechnologies for Boolean and non-Boolean computing, spintronics, low power variation tolerant VLSI design, device-circuit modeling.

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Headshot of Sukru Guzey

Sukru Guzey

K-12 Teacher Professional Development Lead

Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Lead teacher professional development workshops, ongoing support for implementation.

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Headshot of Carol Handwerker

Carol Handwerker

Reinhardt Schuhmann, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Materials Engineering, Professor of Environmental and Ecological Engineering

Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging & Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Headshot of Eric Holloway

Eric Holloway

Industry Collaboration Lead

Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Internship opportunity coordination; certification.

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Headshot of Mahdi Hosseini

Mahdi Hosseini

Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

MEMS and Photonics

Experimentalist investigating quantum interaction of light with atoms and its role in quantum optical communication, computation and sensing. We work towards developing a hybrid and scalable platform for future quantum optical technologies.

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Headshot of John Howarter

John Howarter

Associate Professor of Materials Engineering and Environmental and Ecological Engineering

Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging

Reducing the operational energy footprint of polymer membranes through material design.

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Headshot of Inez Hua

Inez Hua

Professor of Civil Engineering and Environmental and Ecological Engineering

Sustainability and Life Cycle Analysis

Environmental sustainability, water pollution control, and the environmental fate of organic contaminants; water consumption in supply chains; sustainable electronics and environmental sustainability in engineering education.

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Headshot of Muhammad Hussain

Muhammad Hussain

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Design and development of advanced complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) electronics and integration of highly manufacturable, widely deployable and low cost futuristic electronic systems for logic computing, handheld/wearable smart gadgets, defense, healthcare, environmental monitoring, robotics, and automation.

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Headshot of Morgan Hynes

Morgan Hynes

K-12 Outreach Lead

Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Out of School learning (e.g., summer camps); Co-Lead K-12 SCALE curriculum, Interim Director of INSPIRE (Institute for Pre-College Engineering Education).

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Headshot of Zubin Jacob

Zubin Jacob

Elmore Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Electrical And Computer Eng

Heat-assisted detection and ranging which allows machine perception in pitch darkness like broad daylight. Developing new sensors and edge computing devices for HADAR.

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Headshot of David Janes

David Janes

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Nanoscale electronic devices, molecular/semiconductor devices, microwave devices, and characterization.

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Headshot of Dan Jiao

Dan Jiao

Synopsys Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Associate Head of Resource Planning and Management

Simulation and Modeling

CAD design expert exploring computational electromagnetics, modeling and simulation of micro- and nano-scale integrated circuits, high-speed VLSI circuit design and analysis, high-performance VLSI CAD, applied electromagnetics, signal and power integrity, fast and high-capacity numerical methods, scattering and antenna analysis, and bio-electromagnetics.

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Headshot of David Johnson

David Johnson

Ravi and Eleanor Talwar Rising Star Associate Professor Edwardson School of Industrial Engineering

Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Instructor of Course on Secure Operations.

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Headshot of Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson

Senior Lecturer

Integrated Circuits and Systems Design & Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

System on Chip Extension Technologies (SoCET, pronounced like socket) is a long running chip design team intended primarily for undergraduates to get experience in as many aspects of chip design, fabrication, and test as possible. The team is organized like a small chip design company with sub-teams for logic design, verification, chip-layout, analog design, printed circuit board design, test, software, and special research projects in collaboration with research groups in ECE. Most team members receive academic credit for work on SoCET, but some receive research or teaching assistant funding, and experienced members often continue on a volunteer basis.

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Headshot of Byunghoo Jung

Byunghoo Jung

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Integrated Circuits and Systems Design

VLSI designer of circuits and systems for wireless sensing applications.

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Headshot of Alexander Kildishev

Alexander Kildishev

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

High-Frequency Electronics

Headshot of Younghyun Kim

Younghyun Kim

Associate Professor

Integrated Circuits and Systems Design

Embedded systems, energy-efficient computing, efficient machine learning, Internet-of-things, and cyber-physical systems

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Headshot of Gerhard Klimeck

Gerhard Klimeck

Elmore Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Simulation and Modeling

Theorist working on modeling of nanoelectronic devices, genetic algorithm based optimization, and image processing.

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Headshot of Cheng-Kok Koh

Cheng-Kok Koh

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Integrated Circuits and Systems Design

Headshot of Marisol Koslowski

Marisol Koslowski

Assistant Head for Engagement and Partnerships and Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Simulation and Modeling

Finite Elements and Phase Field simulations of stress relaxation, kinetics, and diffusion in thin films. Integration of thermal, electrical, and mechanical fields to predict failure in electronics.

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Headshot of Tillmann Kubis

Tillmann Kubis

Katherine Ngai Pesic & Silvaco Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Simulation and Modeling

Theorist exploring equilibrium and non-equilibrium phenomena in nanodevices and molecules. This covers electronic and phonon bandstructures as well as heat, charge and spin transport in nanodevices.

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Headshot of Tho Van Le

Tho Van Le

Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering Technology

Sustainability and Life Cycle Analysis

Semiconductor supply chains and its digital twins. Apply lean six sigma in semiconductor design, manufacturing, assembly, testing, and packaging, etc.

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Headshot of Seokcheon Lee

Seokcheon Lee

Professor of Industrial Engineering

Simulation and Modeling & Digital Manufacturing & Manufacturing System Design and Optimization & Resilient Supply Chains and Risk Analysis

Production Systems; Scheduling & Logistics using optimization, dispatching, machine learning and simulation

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Headshot of Haitong Li

Haitong Li

Assistant Professor

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

New memory device technologies and circuit designs for energy-efficient computing, spanning experimental, design, and system integration aspects for creating nanotechnology-inspired hardware chips.

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Headshot of Jennifer Linvill

Jennifer Linvill

Workforce Needs Lead

Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Employer needs assessments; professional and technical certification.

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Headshot of Xiaonan Lu

Xiaonan Lu

Soet Associate Professor - Electrical

Headshot of Yung-Hsiang Lu

Yung-Hsiang Lu

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Integrated Circuits and Systems Design

Headshot of Mark Lundstrom

Mark Lundstrom

Chief Semiconductor Officer, Don and Carol Scifres Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Physics, modeling, and simulation of electronic and thermal transport in semiconductor devices.

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Headshot of Michael Manfra

Michael Manfra

Bill and Dee O'Brien Distinguished Professor of Physics & Astronomy, Professor of Materials Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Quantum physicist developing novel qubit hardware in semiconductor and hybrid superconductor/semiconductor systems. Work includes semiconductor growth, mesoscopic device fabrication, and low temperature electron transport.

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Headshot of Amy Marconnet

Amy Marconnet

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging & Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Transport phenomena in multi-scale, heterogeneous materials & systems fundamentals of nanoscale thermal transport electronics cooling and thermal management.

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Headshot of Jason Mckinney

Jason Mckinney

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

High-Frequency Electronics

Headshot of Michael Melloch

Michael Melloch

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Headshot of Saeed Mohammadi

Saeed Mohammadi

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Integrated Circuits and Systems Design & Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Experimentalist exploring nanoscale electronic devices including devices based on carbon nanotubes and nanowires, nanoelectromechanical devices, RF devices, device characterization and modeling, RF and microwave circuits, low-power electronics, 3D integration, optoelectronics, Nanofluidic and vacuum electronic.

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Headshot of Tamara Moore

Tamara Moore

K-12 Director; Educational Standards Lead

Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Oversee all K-12 efforts, including teacher professional development, curriculum, educational standards.

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Headshot of Issam Mudawar

Issam Mudawar

Betty Ruth and Milton B. Hollander Family Professor of Mechanical Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Sensible and evaporative heating of thin films, pool boiling, flow boiling, jet-impingement cooling, spray cooling, micro-channel heat sinks, heat transfer enhancement, heat transfer in rotating systems, critical heat flux, and capillary pumped flows.

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Headshot of Evgeniy Narimanov

Evgeniy Narimanov

Elmore Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Headshot of Shimon Nof

Shimon Nof

Professor of Industrial Engineering

Sustainability and Life Cycle Analysis & Digital Manufacturing

Cyber-Collaborative Control Theory, Algorithms & Protocols for Semiconductor Design to Delivery

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Headshot of Liang Pan

Liang Pan

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging

Scalable nanomanufacturing: lithography and imaging optical and magnetic data storage nanoscale energy conversion, transfer and storage for alternative energy.

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Headshot of Dimitrios Peroulis

Dimitrios Peroulis

Reilly Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Vice President for Purdue University Online

MEMS and Photonics

Experimentalist focusing on reconfigurable analog/RF electronics for adaptive communications, signal intelligence, and harsh-environment sensors.

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Headshot of Irith Pomeranz

Irith Pomeranz

Cadence Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Integrated Circuits and Systems Design

Headshot of Nagabhushana Prabhu

Nagabhushana Prabhu

Professor of Industrial Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication & Simulation and Modeling & Digital Manufacturing & Manufacturing System Design and Optimization & Resilient Supply Chains and Risk Analysis

Large-scale interoperable IoT infrastructures, supported by SI and a selected application sectors. Ensure the infrastructure design is implementable in other (supply chain) sectors

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Headshot of Minghao Qi

Minghao Qi

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

MEMS and Photonics

Experimentalist interested in Nanotechnology, especially 3D nanofabrication and low-cost nanolithography micro and nanophotonics, with emphasis on 3D photonic crystals and integrated Si photonic circuits thermophotovoltaics and solar cells.

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Headshot of Anand Raghunathan

Anand Raghunathan

Silicon Valley Professor Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Integrated Circuits and Systems Design & Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Hardware for AI and machine learning, compute near and in memory, and secure microelectronics.

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Headshot of Vijay Raghunathan

Vijay Raghunathan

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Associate Head of Graduate and Professional Programs

Integrated Circuits and Systems Design & Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Expert in embedded systems, Internet-of-things and energy-efficient and secure embedded computing.

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Headshot of Rahim Rahimi

Rahim Rahimi

Assistant Professor of Materials Engineering

Sensors and Thermal Imaging

Scalable manufacturing processes of flexible electronic devices that can empower technologies for health-care and environmental monitoring convergence of advancements in functional polymers and electrical engineering for developing innovative tools and technologies that can be utilized in solving various obstacles in healthcare, agriculture, and the environment.

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Headshot of Thomas Roth

Thomas Roth

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

High-Frequency Electronics

Developing robust and efficient multiscale and multiphysics computational electromagnetics methods, with primary applications for accelerating the design process of quantum electromagnetic technologies that will be used to build quantum computers, quantum communication systems, and quantum sensors. The computational methods we develop are also leveraged for classical electromagnetic analysis of emerging RF/microwave, antenna, and circuit technologies.

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Headshot of Kaushik Roy

Kaushik Roy

Edward G. Tiedemann Jr. Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Integrated Circuits and Systems Design & Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Neuromorphic computing, device-circuit-architecture co-design for AI workloads, computing-in-memory, robust and secure system design, and energy-efficient integrated circuits and systems.

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Headshot of Xiulin Ruan

Xiulin Ruan

Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions

Simulation and Modeling

Development of simulation methods within the framework of first principles, molecular dynamics, Boltzmann transport equation, and Monte Carlo methods; Prediction of thermal conductivity, interfacial thermal resistance, and Joule heating in electronic materials and nanostructures; Machine learning, optimization, and high throughput design of semiconductor materials and systems.

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Headshot of Siva Seetharaman

Siva Seetharaman

Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering

Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging & MEMS and Photonics & New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication & Simulation and Modeling & Manufacturing System Design and Optimization & Resilient Supply Chains and Risk Analysis

Integrated/silicon photonics inverse design with fabrication constraints, closed-loop control for semiconductor manufacturing, machine learning for anomaly detection, and resilience of semiconductor supply chains.

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Headshot of Shreyas Sen

Shreyas Sen

Elmore Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Integrated Circuits and Systems Design & Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

VLSI and circuit design, sensing and communication circuits/systems, energy harvested sensor nodes for internet of things (IoT), analog/RF, wireless, and security.

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Headshot of Ali Shakouri

Ali Shakouri

Associate Dean for Research and Innovation, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Sensors and Thermal Imaging

Experimentalist exploring quantum electronics, mutual interaction of heat, light, and electricity in nano materials and devices, lock-in imaging and advanced image processing with applications to nanoscale thermal measurements and roll-to-roll process monitoring.

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Headshot of Vladimir Shalaev

Vladimir Shalaev

Bob and Anne Burnett Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Headshot of Yu She

Yu She

Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication & Sensors and Thermal Imaging & Digital Manufacturing & Manufacturing System Design and Optimization

Automation, production & In-line Inspection using robots and with tactile sensing, and increased capabilities

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Headshot of Young-Jun Son

Young-Jun Son

James J. Solberg Head and Ransburg Professor of Industrial Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication & Simulation and Modeling & Digital Manufacturing & Manufacturing System Design and Optimization & Resilient Supply Chains and Risk Analysis

Modeling & Simulation: Capacity, Layout, Production Scheduling, Supply Chain

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Headshot of Alejandro H Strachan

Alejandro H Strachan

nanoHUB Liaison and Research Experiences

Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Oversee development of nanoHUB tools and content curation for nanoHUB; oversee research mentoring program.

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Headshot of Ganesh Subbarayan

Ganesh Subbarayan

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging, Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement, & Simulation and Modeling

Headshot of John Sutherland

John Sutherland

Professor and Fehsenfeld Family Head of Environmental and Ecological Engineering

Sustainability and Life Cycle Analysis

Environmentally responsible design and manufacturing; sustainable systems; decision-making for sustainability; manufacturing; corporate social responsibility; sustainability education.

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Headshot of Pramey Upadhyaya

Pramey Upadhyaya

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Theorist exploring magnetism, classical and quantum spintronics, next-generation information processing & bio-devices.

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Headshot of Juan Wachs

Juan Wachs

Professor of Industrial Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication & Digital Manufacturing

Headshot of Haiyan Wang

Haiyan Wang

Basil S. Turner Professor of Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Design and processing of functional nanocomposite thin films for microelectronics, optoelectronics, high-temperature superconductors, solid oxide fuel cells, plasmonics and photonics, ferroelectric and ferromagnetic applications, and radiation tolerant materials.

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Headshot of Kevin Webb

Kevin Webb

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Headshot of Tiwei Wei

Tiwei Wei

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging

Advanced Semiconductor Packaging and Heterogeneous Integration with a focus on processing, materials, and architecture development, Chip-Package Interactions, Reliability, and Efficient thermal management technologies.

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Headshot of Justin Weibel

Justin Weibel

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging & Scalable Asymmetric Lifecycle Engagement

Electronics cooling and packaging phase-change transport phenomena microscale and nanoscale surface engineering for enhanced thermal transport.

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Headshot of Dana Weinstein

Dana Weinstein

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

MEMS and Photonics & New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication & Sensors and Thermal Imaging

Experimentalist exploring new mechanical designs and efficient transducers for MEMS devices and systems. Focus on monolithic and heterogeneous integration with ICs, programmability, ad-hoc tuning, analog signal processing, sensors, and actuators using electromechanical devices.

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Headshot of Wenzhuo Wu

Wenzhuo Wu

Ravi and Eleanor Talwar Rising Star Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering

Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging & High-Frequency Electronics & Integrated Circuits and Systems Design & MEMS and Photonics & New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication & Sensors and Thermal Imaging & Digital Manufacturing

Data-driven scalable nanomanufacturing and integration of 1D & 2D semiconductors, Atomically thin semiconductors and heterostructures for quantum electronics & circuits, 1D/2D semiconductors based wearable sensors for sweat, hemodynamics, & cardiovascular monitoring, human-machine interface & human-robot teaming, and energy harvesting; atomically thin semiconductors for in-sensor neuromorphic computing, and photonics integration

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Headshot of Dongyan Xu

Dongyan Xu

Samuel D. Conte Professor of Computer Science and Director of CERIAS and Assistant Professor, Purdue Polytechnic Institute

Sustainability and Life Cycle Analysis

Energy efficiency and cybersecurity for semiconductor device manufacturing and supply chain management, via monitoring, modeling, analytics and vulnerability discovery/mitigation.

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Headshot of Xianfan Xu

Xianfan Xu

James J. and Carol L. Shuttleworth Professor of Mechanical Engineering, by courtesy in Elmore Family School Electrical and Computer Engineering

MEMS and Photonics

Investigation of fundamental thermal transport in thin film and two dimensional semiconductors, and development of innovative solutions for thermal transport control and thermal switching in semiconductor devices.

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Headshot of Peide Ye

Peide Ye

Richard J. and Mary Jo Schwartz Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

New Devices, Modeling, and Fabrication

Experimentalist with a deep understanding in various atomic layer deposition solutions. He is also interested in novel ferroelectric materials for ferroelectric memory and oxides for novel logic and BEOL applications.

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Headshot of Yuehwern Yih

Yuehwern Yih

Tompkins Professor of Industrial Engineering

Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging & Simulation and Modeling & Digital Manufacturing & Manufacturing System Design and Optimization & Resilient Supply Chains and Risk Analysis

Real-time scheduling & operations in manufacturing & supply chains, AI, optimization & simulation

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Headshot of Xinghang Zhang

Xinghang Zhang

Professor of Materials Engineering

Heterogeneous Integration and Advanced Packaging

Synthesis of nanomaterials, Radiation Damage in nanostructured materials, Mechanical behavior of nanostructured metals, dynamics of metal bonding.

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Headshot of Fu Zhao

Fu Zhao

Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Environmental and Ecological Engineering

Sustainability and Life Cycle Analysis

Environment friendly design and life cycle engineering for sustainable electronics, sustainable energy, manufacturing high-performance buildings.

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